William Orlando Darby

Birthday February 8, 1911

Birth Sign Aquarius

Birthplace Fort Smith, Arkansas, United States

DEATH DATE 1945-4-30, Torbole, Italy (34 years old)

Nationality United States

#26235 Most Popular


William O. Darby (February 8, 1911 – April 30, 1945) was a career United States Army officer who fought in World War II, where he was killed in action at age 34 in Italy.

He was posthumously promoted to brigadier general.

Darby was the founding commander of the First Ranger Battalion, which evolved into the United States Army Rangers.


In July 1934, he transferred to Cloudcroft, New Mexico, where he commanded the 1st Cavalry Division detachment.

He was with the first United States combat troops sent to Europe after the United States entry into World War II, the 34th Infantry Division, a National Guard unit known as the Red Bull.

During its stay in Northern Ireland Darby became interested in the British Commandos.

Many of these original Rangers were volunteers from the 34th.


He received intensive artillery training from September 1937 to June 1938 while attending Field Artillery School at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.


On September 9, 1940, Darby was promoted to captain and subsequently served with the 80th Division at Camp Jackson, South Carolina; Fort Benning, Georgia; Camp Beauregard, Louisiana; and Fort Des Moines, Iowa.

As World War II progressed, Darby saw rapid promotion to the grade of lieutenant colonel.


On June 19, 1942, the 1st Ranger Battalion was sanctioned, and Darby was put in charge of their recruitment and training under the Commandos in Achnacarry.

In November 1942, the 1st Ranger Battalion made its first assault at Arzew, Algeria.


Darby was awarded the Silver Star for his actions in Tunisia on February 12, 1943:

"Without regard for his personal safety, the day previous to a raid, he reconnoitred enemy positions and planned the attack which he led the following morning. The thorough organization and successful attack led by Lt. Col. Darby revealed his initiative, courage, and devotion to duty which is a credit to the Armed Forces of the United States."

Darby was subsequently awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions on March 21–25.

The citation stated:

"Lt. Col. Darby struck with his force with complete surprise at dawn in the rear of a strongly fortified enemy position. Always conspicuously at the head of his troops, he personally led assaults against the enemy line in the face of heavy machine gun and artillery fire, establishing the fury of the Ranger attack by his skilful employment of hand grenades in close quarter fighting. On March 22, Lt. Col. Darby directed his battalion in advance on Bon Hamean, capturing prisoners and destroying a battery of self propelled artillery."

"Darby's Rangers" saw further action during the Allied invasion of Sicily kicking off the Italian Campaign.

Darby received an oak leaf cluster to his Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in July 1943 in Sicily:

"Lt. Col. Darby, with the use of one 37mm gun, which he personally manned, managed not only to repulse an enemy attack but succeeded with this weapon in destroying one tank, while two others were accounted for by well-directed hand grenade fire."

Darby took part in the Allied invasion of the Italian mainland in September 1943, and was promoted to full colonel on December 11.


The three existing Ranger battalions were effectively wiped out - killed or captured - in the disastrous Battle of Cisterna during the Anzio campaign in early February 1944, after which they were disbanded.

He served with it from February 18 to April 2, 1944, before being called back to the US ahead of the Allied breakthrough in the Italian Campaign.

Darby was ordered to Washington, D.C. for duty with the Army Ground Forces and later with the War Department General Staff at The Pentagon.


In March 1945, Darby returned to Italy for an observation tour with five-star General of the Army Henry H. Arnold.

On April 23, 1945, Brigadier General Robinson E. Duff, Assistant Division Commander of the 10th Mountain Division, was wounded; Darby took over for Duff.

"Task Force Darby" spearheaded the breakout of the Fifth United States Army from the Po River valley bridgehead during the Spring 1945 offensive in Italy and reached Torbole at the head of Lake Garda.

On April 30, 1945, while Darby was issuing orders for the attack on Trento to cut off a German retreat, an artillery shell burst in the middle of the assembled officers and NCOs, killing Darby and a regimental Sergeant Major, John "Tim" Evans, and wounding several others.

"Task Force Darby" continued with their mission.

Two days later, on May 2, 1945, all German forces in Italy surrendered.

Darby, aged 34 at the time of his death, was posthumously promoted to brigadier general on May 15, 1945.

He was buried in Cisterna, Italy.


He was reinterred at Fort Smith National Cemetery in Fort Smith, Arkansas on March 11, 1949.

Darby's military awards include:




He was subsequently portrayed by James Garner in the 1958 theatrical film about Darby's career titled Darby's Rangers.


Darby's first assignment was as assistant executive and supply officer with the 82nd Field Artillery at Fort Bliss, Texas.


Darby was then put in command of the 179th Infantry Regiment, still fighting the battle of Anzio.