Baker is known for his numerous roles in video games, including Joel Miller in The Last of Us franchise, Booker DeWitt in BioShock Infinite (2013), Samuel "Sam" Drake in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (2016) and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (2017), Rhys Strongfork in Tales from the Borderlands (2014), Snow Villiers in Final Fantasy XIII (2010), Kanji Tatsumi in Persona 4 (2008), Talion in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (2014), and Middle-earth: Shadow of War (2017), Pagan Min in Far Cry 4 (2014), Ocelot in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015) and Higgs Monaghan in Death Stranding (2019) and Death Stranding 2: On The Beach (2025).