Thus, the category of sexual orientation is what we in theology call a ‘neologism,’ and it creates fictional identities that rob them of the true one — male and female image bearers [of God's].”" Due to such positions, Butterfield sees categories like "gay Christian" and "trans Christian" as false constructs, explaining that "gay may be how someone feels, but [can] never be who someone inherently is." She also does not identify herself as "ex-gay" and believes that Christians who struggle against same-sex attraction should not identify as gay Christians, as such labels are, in her view, a postmodern attempt to manipulate language and marry two fundamentally contradictory categories. Despite previously having approved of using preferred pronouns of trans-identifying individuals, she has since explicitly repented of and retracted this position, saying that"'By affirming a lie, [our action] encourages people [with gender dysphoria] to break the tenth commandment [i.e. you shall not covet (your neighbor's anatomy)].'"In 2023, Butterfield released the book Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age, in which she identifies the affirmation of feminism, homosexuality, immodesty, unbiblical spirituality, and transgender identities as a culturally normalized form of assault against biblical truths.