Ozzy Lusth

Birthday August 23, 1981

Birth Sign Virgo

Birthplace Guanajuato, Mexico

Age 42 years old

Nationality United States

#23394 Most Popular


Oscar "Ozzy" Lusth (born August 23, 1981) is a Mexican-born American reality show contestant who has appeared on several shows, including Survivor: Cook Islands; Survivor: Micronesia; Survivor: South Pacific; and Survivor: Game Changers. He also competed on the second season of American Ninja Warrior.

and the Playboy reality series, Foursome.

Lusth was born on August 23, 1981, in Guanajuato, Mexico.

When he was only a couple of years old, his parents divorced and he moved with his mother to Durham, North Carolina, to be closer to his relatives.

After a few more moves, his mother, with Ozzy and his two siblings, Katrina, Zoe and adopted sister from Vietnam Audrey Vu settled in Mountain View, California.

He went to high school in Mountain View.

After graduating, he attended Santa Barbara City College for two years, where he worked as a stripper on the side, until he moved to the Los Angeles area.

He is of Mestizo descent.

Lusth was originally recruited to play Survivor after his friend met a casting agent for the show, and they wanted a "non-stereotypical Latino."

On Survivor: Cook Islands, Lusth was originally a member of the Aitutaki (Aitu) tribe, which represented Latinos.

Having no particular alliance with any members, he was seen as a threat.

In Episode Two, he suggested the tribe throw the immunity challenge so they could vote out the weak link, Billy Garcia.

Lusth's plan was met with skepticism, particularly by Cristina Coria.

However, Garcia was voted out at Tribal Council.

Following a tribe switch, Lusth remained in Aitu with only one of his original tribemates, Cecelia Mansilla.

Lusth was perceived a threat but he led his tribes to numerous immunities.

Yet he was not part of the dominating alliance of Yul Kwon, Candice Woodcock, Becky Lee, and Jonathan Penner, and Lusth lost his original tribemate, Mansilla.

Following the third tribal council, Lusth was angry that his tribe had voted for Mansilla, but was comforted by his tribemates.

After two straight wins, Probst announced both tribes would go to Tribal Council.

Lusth, along with the rest of the tribe except Jessica "Flicka" Smith, denounced "Plan Voodoo" and voted out Cao Boi Bui.

The tribe lost immunity at the next challenge and Smith was unanimously voted out.

Lusth played a large part in the next three straight wins and the Rarotonga (Raro) tribe saw their numbers dwindle.

However, when Probst announced an offer of mutiny, the Aitu tribe was left shocked and decimated as original Raro members Woodcock and Penner returned, thus making Raro eight members strong.

The challenge following the mutiny was dominated by the Aitu Four: Sundra Oakley, Lusth, Kwon and Lee.

Lusth and the Aitu Four sent Woodcock to Exile Island several times, eventually sealing her fate and Penner's. The mutiny sealed Lusth in his alliance with Oakley, Kwon, and Lee, and the Aitu Four dominated subsequent challenges.

Following the tribe merge, Lusth remained loyal to the Aitu Four and voted with his allies to send Nate Gonzalez, Woodcock, Penner, Parvati Shallow, and Adam Gentry off, despite times when he considered aligning with Shallow.

Lusth was seen as a threat by allies Lee and Oakley, who went to Kwon in an attempt to vote Lusth out.

But Lusth won immunity once again, forcing the expulsion of former Raro members.

Lusth won the final immunity challenge and scored a spot in the Final Three with Kwon, who had the hidden immunity idol.

Forced to vote one of their own out, Lee and Oakley tied with two votes against each.

Lee won the fire-making tiebreaker, securing a spot with Kwon and Lusth.

At the final Tribal Council, Lusth was praised for his athletic skills but criticized for being a loner.

He finished in second place in a 5–4–0 vote and was the first male runner-up in two years since the eighth season.

Probst stated at the reunion show that he had dominated.

Prior to the million dollar vote, Adam Gentry had promised he would give Kwon his vote if he survived longer than Penner.

Kwon did and Gentry followed suit.

Lusth gained the votes of Raro members Shallow, Gonzalez, Jenny Guzon-Bae and Rebecca Borman.

Lusth was the longest-lasting contestant from the original Aitu tribe, and stayed so after the tribe switch.

Dominant in swimming, agility and balance, he won five out of six individual immunity challenges.

He won a Mercury Mariner for being voted favorite player of the season.