Noordin Mohammad Top


Birthday August 11, 1968

Birth Sign Leo

Birthplace Kluang, Johor, Malaysia

DEATH DATE 2009-9-17, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia (41 years old)

Nationality Malaysia

#30166 Most Popular


Noordin Mohammad Top (11 August 1968 – 17 September 2009) was a Malaysian Muslim extremist.

He was also referred to as Noordin, Din Moch Top, Muh Top, Top M or Mat Top.

Until his death, he was Indonesia's most wanted Islamist militant.

Born in Kluang, Johor, Malaysia, he is thought to have been a key bomb-maker and/or financier, for Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) along with Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (JAT), and to have left it, setting up the more violent splinter group Tanzim Qaedat al-Jihad.

Noordin was reported by the FBI to be "an explosives expert", and "an officer, recruiter, bomb maker and trainer for the Jemaah Islamiah (JI) group."

Once in Indonesia, he married using the assumed name Abdurrachman Aufi.


Noordin and Azahari Husin were thought to have masterminded various bombings across Indonesia, mostly in early 2000s.

Noordin may also have assisted in the earlier Philippine consulate bombing in Jakarta, Jakarta Stock Exchange bombing, Christmas Eve 2000 Indonesia bombings and 2002 Bali bombings Noordin (allegedly nicknamed Money Man) was an indoctrinator specialising in recruiting militants as suicide bombers, and in collecting funds for militant activities.


Noordin and Azahari were thought to have masterminded the 2002 Makassar bombing, 2003 Marriott Hotel bombing in Jakarta, 2004 Australian Embassy bombing in Jakarta, 2004 Poso bus bombing, 2005 Bali bombings, 2005 Tentena market bombings, 2005 Palu market bombing, and 2009 JW Marriott - Ritz-Carlton bombing again in Jakarta.


On 5 August 2003, a suicide bomber detonated a car bomb outside the lobby of the JW Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, killing 12 people and injuring 150.

Jemaah Islamiyah was suspected of responsibility for the bombing.


In September 2004, a car bomb was exploded outside the Australian embassy in Jakarta, killing several people including the suicide bomber and wounding over 140 others.

Jemaah Islamiyah with Azahari Husin and Noordin M. Top were suspected of being behind the bombing.


His wife, Munfiatun, was jailed in June 2005, for concealing information about his whereabouts.

On 1 October 2005, bombs were detonated in Jimbaran and Kuta in Bali.

The bombings killed 23 people, including three bombers trained by Noordin.

On 21 July 2005, Irun Hidayat was convicted of being an accessory by providing a house to Azahari Husin and Noordin Top.

Mbai identified the chief suspect in the 2005 attack as Azahari Husin, who was thought to collaborate with the second suspect Noordin, whose wife was sentenced to three years in prison for harbouring him.

Azahari Husin was later killed in a raid in November 2005.


Long after first being declared as wanted by Malaysian and Indonesian authorities, he was added to the FBI's third major wanted list in 2006.

FBI Seeking Information - War on Terrorism list.

On 24 February 2006 the FBI added Noordin among three names to the Seeking Information – War on Terrorism list.

On 29 April 2006, he narrowly escaped capture after his safe-house was raided by heavily armed Indonesian police in Binangun, Central Java.

In the altercation, Abdul Hadi and Jabir were killed.

In June 2006 it was reported that Noordin was threatening more attacks in video tapes recovered by Indonesian authorities and police believe that he may have formed his own organization outside JI.


He was killed during a police raid (by Indonesia's anti-terrorist unit Densus 88) in Solo, Central Java, conducted on 17 September 2009.

In July 2009, two suicide bombers killed seven people at the Ritz Carlton and JW Marriott hotels in Jakarta.

Local anti-terrorism officials said that there were "strong indications" that Noordin Top was behind the attacks.

On 8 August 2009, there were media reports that he had been killed during a shooting with police near Temanggung, a village in Central Java.

Forensic testing conducted by Indonesian police however, disproved this speculation.

A body recovered from the ambush site was instead found to be Ibrohim, a key organiser of the 2009 Jakarta bombings.

Indonesian National Police Chief Bambang Hendarso Danuri announced on 17 September 2009, that Noordin was killed in a police raid along with three other terrorists.

Police hunting for suspects in bombings of July 2009 tracked the seven suspects to Solo in Central Java and besieged a village house in Mojosongo, Jebres District overnight.

The raid ended near daybreak when an explosion was detonated inside the home.

Four suspected militants were killed and three were captured.

The operation left behind a charred house with no roof and blown-out walls.

The bodies were flown to Jakarta for autopsies.

Among the four bodies recovered after the raid a corpse was identified as Noordin's; fingerprints taken from the Indonesian corpse matched samples obtained from Malaysia.

A similarity was found in at least 14 minutiae points.

On 19 September 2009, Indonesian National Police spokesperson announced that a DNA test was also carried out and it was proved that the body was in fact that of Noordin.