Mark Bingham

Birthday May 22, 1970

Birth Sign Gemini

Birthplace Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.

DEATH DATE 2001-9-11, Stonycreek Township, Pennsylvania, U.S. aboard United Airlines Flight 93 (31 years old)

Nationality United States

Height 6 ft

#21371 Most Popular


Mark Kendall Bingham (May 22, 1970 – September 11, 2001) was an American public relations executive who founded his own company, the Bingham Group.

Mark Bingham was born on May 22, 1970, the only child of Alice Hoagland and Gerald Bingham.

When Mark was two years old, his parents divorced.


Raised by his mother and her family, Mark Grew up in Miami, Florida, and Southern California before moving to the San Jose area in 1983.

Bingham was an aspiring filmmaker, and as a teenager, he began using a video camera as a personal diary to document his life and those of his family and friends.


He graduated from Los Gatos High School as a two-year captain of his rugby team in 1988.


As an undergraduate at the University of California, Berkeley, Bingham played on two of Coach Jack Clark's national-championship-winning rugby teams in the early 1990s.

He also joined the Chi Psi fraternity, eventually becoming its president.

Upon graduation at the age of 21, Bingham came out as gay to his family and friends.

A large athlete at 6 ft and 225 lb, Bingham also played for the gay-inclusive rugby union team San Francisco Fog RFC.

Bingham played No. 8 in their first two friendly matches.

He played in their first tournament, and taught his teammates his favorite rugby songs.

At the time of his death, Bingham had recently opened a satellite office of his public relations firm in New York City and was spending more time on the East Coast.

He discussed plans with his friend Scott Glaessgen to form a New York City rugby team, the Gotham Knights.

On the morning of September 11, Bingham overslept and nearly missed his flight, on his way to San Francisco to be an usher in his fraternity brother Joseph Salama's wedding.

He arrived at Terminal A at Newark International Airport at 7:40 am, ran to Gate 17, and was the last passenger to board United Airlines Flight 93, taking seat 4D, next to passenger Tom Burnett.

United Airlines Flight 93 was scheduled to depart at 8:00 am, but the plane did not depart until 42 minutes later due to runway traffic delays.

Four minutes later, American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the World Trade Center's North Tower.

At 9:03 am, as United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower, Flight 93 climbed to cruising altitude, heading west over New Jersey and into Pennsylvania.

At 9:25 am, Flight 93 was above eastern Ohio, and pilots Jason Dahl and LeRoy Homer received an alert, "Beware of cockpit intrusion," on the cockpit computer device ACARS (Aircraft Communications and Reporting System).

Three minutes later, Cleveland controllers could hear screams over the cockpit's open microphone.

Moments later, the hijackers, led by the Lebanese Ziad Jarrah, took over the plane's controls and told passengers, "Keep remaining sitting. We have a bomb on board".

Bingham and the other passengers were herded into the back of the plane.

Within six minutes, the plane changed course and headed for Washington, D.C. Several of the passengers made phone calls to loved ones, who informed them about the two planes that had crashed into the World Trade Center.

After the hijackers veered the plane sharply south, the passengers decided to act.

Bingham, along with Todd Beamer, Tom Burnett, and Jeremy Glick, formed a plan to take the plane back from the hijackers.

They relayed this plan to their loved ones and the authorities via telephone.

Bingham got through to his aunt's home in California.

Bingham stated, "This is Mark Bingham. I want to let you guys know that I love you, in case I don't see you again...I'm on United Airlines, Flight 93. It's being hijacked."

According to The Week, Hoagland formed the impression that her son spoke "confidentially" with a fellow passenger, to form a plan to retake the plane.

According to ABC News, the call cut off after about three minutes.

Hoagland, after seeing news reports of the plane's hijacking, called him back and left two messages for him, calmly saying, "Mark, this is your mom. The news is that it's been hijacked by terrorists. They are planning to probably use the plane as a target to hit some site on the ground. I would say go ahead and do everything you can to overpower them, because they are hellbent. Try to call me back if you can."

Bingham, Burnett, and Glick were each more than 6 ft tall, well-built and fit.

As they made their decision to retake the plane, Glick related this over the phone to his wife, Lyz.

Fellow passenger Todd Beamer, speaking to GTE-Verizon Lisa Jefferson and the FBI, related that he too was part of this group.

They were joined by other passengers, including Lou Nacke, Rich Guadagno, Alan Beaven, Honor Elizabeth Wainio, Linda Gronlund, and William Cashman, along with flight attendants Sandra Bradshaw and Cee Cee Ross-Lyles, in discussing their options and voting on a course of action, ultimately deciding to storm the cockpit and take over the plane.

According to the 9/11 Commission Report, after the plane's voice data recorder was recovered, it revealed pounding and crashing sounds against the cockpit door and shouts and screams in English.


During the September 11 attacks in 2001, he was a passenger on board United Airlines Flight 93.

Bingham was among the passengers who, along with Todd Beamer, Tom Burnett and Jeremy Glick, formed the plan to retake the plane from the hijackers, and led the effort that resulted in the crash of the plane into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, thwarting the hijackers' plan to crash the plane into a building in Washington, D.C., most likely either the U.S. Capitol Building or the White House.

His heroic efforts on United Flight 93, as well as his athletic physique, were noted for having prompted a reassessment of gay stereotypes.