"'''The plaintiff admitted that he bullied defendant 'K' during his 5th year in elementary school using verbal attacks; however, the plaintiff denied 'K's claims that he threatened 'K' with scissors or a box cutter. The plaintiff admitted that he pushed 'K' in the chest with his hands, then went on to kick 'K' in the chest with his foot, but maintained the position that 'K' raised the bullying accusations on online communities with malicious intent by making the incident seem more serious than it was.' Furthermore, the police concluded that 'Based on the following, it is difficult to conclude that 'K's accusations against the plaintiff Kim Dong Hee are false: 1. 'K' was able to provide a detailed and descriptive account of the incident; 2. The principal of the school at the time remembered this incident and submitted a voice recording as evidence; 3. Other witnesses also testified in 'K's favor.'"