Jonathan Guinness, 3rd Baron Moyne


Birthday March 16, 1930

Birth Sign Pisces

Age 93 years old

#35620 Most Popular


Jonathan Bryan Guinness, 3rd Baron Moyne (born 16 March 1930), is a British peer and businessman.

A member of the Guinness family, he is the elder of the two sons of Bryan Guinness, 2nd Baron Moyne, and his first wife Diana Mitford (later Lady Mosley).

Until his retirement, he was a merchant banker with Messrs Leopold Joseph.

Guinness was educated at Eton College and the University of Oxford.

He worked as a journalist and then as a merchant banker.


By his mistress Susan "Shoe" Taylor (1944–2003), Lord Moyne has three more children:


He married firstly, in 1951 (marriage dissolved 1963), Ingrid Wyndham, later the wife of Lord Kelvedon, with issue:


Lord Moyne was a non-executive director from 1960 to 1988 of the company set up by his family.

His book Requiem for a Family Business gives an uninvolved insider's account of the corporate developments leading to the Guinness share-trading fraud.

Lord Moyne has been married twice and has eight children.


Lord Moyne married secondly, in 1964, Suzanne Lisney (died 2005 of lung cancer ), with issue:


He was a long-standing and early member (1968) of the Conservative Monday Club, serving on several of its committees.


From 1970 to 1974 he was a member of Leicestershire County Council.


He was a member of the club's executive council in 1971, when he became chairman of their 'Action Fund'.


In the spring 1972 edition of Monday World he contributed an article titled "The Club Today – Opportunities and Growing Pains".

He was subsequently elected national chairman on 5 June following, fighting off challenges from Richard Body MP and Timothy Stroud.

The Guardian and The Times referred to his election as "a right-wing victory".


Guinness stood twice unsuccessfully as a parliamentary candidate for the Conservative Party, at both the 1973 Lincoln by-election (notable for the election of Dick Taverne) and the 1976 Coventry North West by-election.

At the club's annual general meeting in April 1973 Guinness retained the chairmanship for another year, defeating George Kennedy Young by 30 percent of the vote.


In mid-1974 he was invited to address conservative students at Portsmouth Polytechnic, but was "prevented from entering by a solid wall of militant protesters hurling abuse".

Guinness was a supporter of Rhodesia and, with John Stokes and the Lord Barnby addressed a Monday Club meeting on the issue in 1974 in Caxton Hall.


On 10 October 1989, at the Conservative Party Conference, he chaired a fringe meeting organised by the Young Monday Club, advertised as ''The End of the English?

– Immigration and Repatriation''.

The other speakers were MPs Tim Janman and Nicholas Budgen.

As chairman of the club's Race Relations & Immigration Committee, he also wrote the same month to all Club members; "There has been a lot of ill-thought out agitation following events in China, urging the government to amend the British Nationality Act so as to give the right of UK residence to more than three million people from Hong Kong who hold British passports. At the time of writing the government has stayed firm on this, but it is under pressure. If you have not already done so, please write to your M.P., your local and national newspapers, or the Prime Minister expressing support for the government's stand. Remember, a passport is not a residence permit, but a travel document; and think of the sheer physical burden of housing and accommodating a sudden influx of this size."

To avert a scandal over the extramarital affair with Taylor, Lord Moyne published Shoe – The Odyssey of a Sixties Survivor in 1989.

The Sun newspaper ran a double-page article with pictures entitled Always a Mistress – Never the Bride on 6 July 1989.


He was also Club Vice-Chairman until late 1990 when he was replaced by Andrew Hunter, MP.

Lord Moyne was accused of involvement in a Swedish financial scandal.

The case concerns a now defunct Swedish investment company, Trustor, of which Lord Moyne was made a figurehead director.

It was alleged that Guinness was involved in the disappearance of £50,000,000 from Trustor's accounts, £35,000,000 of which were soon found on Trustor AB:s own bank account as they had never left the company.

Guinness maintained that he was innocent of any wrongdoing, claiming he has been "stitched up".

During the proceedings, Swedish authorities were successful in obtaining a freezing order over what little assets he had left.

He was found innocent by the Swedish court.


Lord Moyne has spoken in support of the Falun Gong movement in China since it was banned there in 1999, as reported in Hansard.


Moyne and his daughter Daphne both had letters published in the same edition of The Daily Telegraph (16 August 2003) attacking the writer Andrew Roberts over his criticism in the same newspaper on 13 August 2003 of Jonathan's mother, Lady Mosley, following her death.


Lord Moyne's younger brother, Desmond Guinness, died in August 2020.