In the same year, he was the protagonist in the telenovela Sete Pecados (2007) by Walcyr Carrasco, where her character Clarice lives a love triangle with Dante (Reynaldo Gianecchini) and Beatriz Priscila Fantin). She also appeared in the long film Caixa Dois, directed by Bruno Barreto, in the role of a secretary to a powerful banker.. Her performance was criticized and her role considered "the weak point of the plot". In 2008, Giovanna showed her comic side, interpreting the clumsy Alma Jequitibá, one of the protagonists in the telenovela Três Irmãs, by Antonio Calmon. A physician Obstetrician & gynecologist, Alma is divided between two loves: the character of Bruno Garcia and the character of Rodrigo Hilbert. She gained prominence as Dora in Viver a Vida (2009). In the movies, she filmed The Heartbreaker, a co-production between Brazil and the United States, directed by Roberto Carminati.