However, every time he tried to sell his keyboard, it always came back to him, "as any guy who bought it from me with a mere small advance could never pile up the money that they had promised me for that keyboard and ended up giving it back to me. And soon after the third time it happened, the Siddique-Lal duo called me to join their group for their shows in the United States. They wanted me to render some music to fill the time in-between programs. As I got a chance to visit America, my intention was to get some job in the States like marketing, sales or anything other than music. During that time Mr.Siddique heard my composition and told me that 'I have good talent in music and I must take music as my career' Eventually, it was those words gave me courage to take music as my career. "After that I came back to India I shifted base from Kerala to Chennai, that was in 1999.