Lyrical reflection and probing into themes such as love, death, life and suffering are characteristic of Beatriz Villacañas' poetry, together with a marked preoccupation about transcendence and spiritual questions: "El tiempo nos esculpe y nos destruye, / la eternidad aguarda y nos rescata."("Time sculptures and destroys us/ Eternity awaits and rescues") "Tierra, voy a dormir contigo,/ si alguna vez despierto,/ compartiremos juntos/ la inmortalidad" (Earth, I am going to sleep with you/ If I wake up some day/ We will together share/ immortality" "Cada descubrimiento alimenta un enigma nuevo" ("Each discovery nourishes a new enigma") Critics have singled out the liric personality of her poetry as well as her mastery of poetic forms. Some examples: Antonio González-Guerrero wrote of Jazz: "In this world of poetry, where deceit and enmity often abound and where many are called but few chosen, such a personal and melodious voice as that of Beatriz Villacañas is a joy to the ear of the critic."